We are here for you...

Whether it’s booking a dental appointment for yourself or a family member doesn’t matter. Even you only wish to register your info with the office, contacting Dr. Anuja Ranjitkar Sikder is your first step on the road to a winning smile.

Dr. Sikder appreciates that visiting the dentist can be scary for patients of all ages and backgrounds. However, her commitment to patient care starts from the very first communication and lasts a lifetime. You can start to reap those rewards immediately by posting your questions using this form today.

Confidential Contact

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Whether you’re an existing patient or you’re thinking about booking your first appointment doesn’t matter. There are many potential concerns that could be swirling around your head. However, confidentiality needn’t be one of them.

Hawthorne Kids Dentistry is dedicated to providing private dental care in every sense of the word. This can range from discussing a child’s pediatric dental visits to considering your potential treatments. Either way, Dr. Sikder provides a transparent and personal approach to dentistry. While she is happy to point you in the right direction with regards to treatments, the final decision is always left to you.

Potential treatments can range from general dental checkups to dental sealants and teeth whitening. If you’re unsure about any details, the contact form gives you the perfect chance to gain clarity from a friendly and dedicated pediatric dentist Hawthorne NJ. Dr. Sikder boasts the human touch needed to support her years of experience and ongoing education.

In Hawthorne Kids Dentistry, you get so much more than a standard dental expert. You receive the ongoing support of a caring dentist who prides herself on making the process as comfortable as it can be. From first contact to completion of the work and beyond, the practice has your best interests at heart.

Contact today with an email detailing your questions and, together, we can take those steps towards greater oral health in no time.

A service To Make You Smile

When using the online contact form, Dr. Sikder will endeavor to respond ASAP. In most cases, existing and prospective patients can expect to receive a response within 72 hours. However, many find that their questions are answered far sooner.

If the situation is a dental emergency, the practice can be contacted on 973.567.3551 between the hours of 10am – 6pm on weekdays. If calling out of hours, please leave your contact details and a member of the friendly team will get back to you during the next working day.

Please feel free to send our office an inquiry about any questions or concerns you may have about your dental care. I look forward to hearing from all of my patients. – Dr. Sikder

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